card catalog

Science fiction and fantasy databases

The following are some of my favorite databases of science fiction and fantasy. For this post, I’m sticking to broad databases; there are many, many wikis and other databases for specific ‘verses (like Star Trek).

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database from Texas A&M University covers history, criticism, commentary, fan writings, and some reviews. It is essentially a giant, searchable index that will provide you a citation to an article. I found it a good place to start when researching librarians in science fiction and fantasy.  Be sure to check out the scope note to see what’s covered.

The Internet Speculative Fiction Database has been around since the dawn of the Internet and contains catalog records for works of science fiction and fantasy. Works covered include novels, short fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, chapbooks, and collections. The database also has an extensive amount of information about awards.

Speaking of awards, there’s also the Science Fiction Awards Database, which is an extension of the Locus Index to Science Fiction Awards.

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. This began as a print volume and evolved into a CD-ROM and then a website. Here’s a note about the content of the encyclopedia.

And, of course, there’s IMDb that you can use to look up movies and television.